Friday, December 25, 2015

My New Routine

What I used to do:
     Get up, brush my teeth. Make coffee, drink it on the way to work. Make breakfast, eat it in the truck on the way to work. Get to work, make more coffee, slowly sip it until late morning. Order lunch, eat it at my desk. Grab a diet Pepsi from the vending machine, slowly sip it for awhile. Switch to water. Have a snack sometime mid afternoon. On the way home, treat myself to a salty snack or maybe even some ice cream. Get home, have dinner. Follow up with some beers. Maybe have a late night snack. Brush my teeth, go to bed.
What I do now:
     Get up, remove trays, brush trays, brush my teeth. Eat breakfast at home, brush my teeth, insert trays. Drink only water until lunch. Remove trays, brush trays. Eat lunch. Brush teeth, insert trays. Have no diet Pepsi. Have no snack. Drink lots of water. Use Acceledent in truck on the way home. Get home, remove trays, brush trays. Have dinner. Brush teeth, insert trays. Try to suck down a couple beers through a straw. Remove trays, brush trays, brush teeth. Go to bed.

So how exactly am I gaining weight? I guess because it's winter and the holidays.

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