Friday, December 18, 2015

Acceledent...What's in the box?

Here's everything that came with my Acceledent device. We have the device, a wall charger, a USB cord, a nice case, a mouthpiece, and some literature (which I did read, but it was useless). I've said before that there's no way this should cost more than about 80 bucks, but now I take that back. It should only cost about 20 bucks, and have an optional 60 dollar carrying case. I mean, they way over did the case. It is really nice and looks great tucked away on the top shelf of my linen cabinet where it will never be touched by human hands again. I guess I should just think of it like a college textbook. You're not paying way too much for the paper and binding, you're paying way too much for the research that went into it.

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