Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Big decision to make

Well I'm on my very last aligner, and now I have a decision to make. It's actually the same decision that I was faced with a little over a year ago: Should I get braces?

I have just the one tooth that has refused to cooperate. The rest look great, and will probably look even better after some sculpting by the orthodontist with a dremel.

On one hand, they look pretty good, and certainly 1000% better than they did. For reference:
But on the other hand, The gap IS noticeable. What's worse, every time I look at my teeth, I will automatically zoom in on that spot. And it's not like the offer to get it fixed will be on the table any other time. I need to decide now. I just don't think that I'll be happy with my investment knowing that it didn't go as planned.

My final appointment is in about a week. I need to decide.

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