Monday, June 20, 2016

Will We Need Another Reboot?

I have a regular visit tomorrow, and I have concerns about another tooth. It's the opposite one as before, and it seems to not be coming down. This one did not get a new attachment when my new aligners came in, and I think it probably should have. You can see it here in the center with the large gap between the tooth and the bottom of the aligner:
In fact, the same tooth that had been giving me trouble before seems to not be tracking so well again. Have a look:
Not as bad as before, but still concerning. Keep in mind that this is the very first day with this particular aligner, and some space is normal. I even have been wearing the aligners for a little longer than a week before changing to the next one to try to correct any issues, but it doesn't seem to matter.

One thing I have taken away from this experience is that if we have to change treatment plans again and get all new aligners, I will INSIST that all attachment be removed and new ones installed.

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