Wednesday, November 16, 2016

The waiting is the hardest part: Part III

When I last updated this blog, I had three weeks to go and then I would have a re-scan to correct a couple teeth that had gotten off track. I wasn't sure what to expect as far as how much time this would add to my treatment plan, but boy did I get a shock yesterday when I had my visit. SEVENTEEN more aligners to go now. They also added SEVEN rubber band buttons to the two that I already had, so I now have NINE metal pieces in my mouth. They had taken all the clear attachments off my upper teeth at the last visit when they scanned me, and now they have added ten of those to the top, and an additional couple on the bottom.

I am disheartened. I really had only anticipated maybe another 4-5 weeks. An extra 4 months is just crazy. Honestly my teeth look pretty good now, I just didn't think there was that much work to be done yet.

The main thing they seem to be focusing on is my bite. They told me that moving the teeth is the easy part, but getting them all to line up together on the top and bottom is tricky. This is why I have so many more buttons. They are really going to focus on dialing in my bite by utilizing elastics. At times I will be wearing 4 rubber bands at once.

Again, I am impressed with their commitment to making sure that I am happy with the end results. But man am I bumming right now with how far I have to go.